Give The Best Of Your Morning To Your Kids

This little one wakes up with a fire inside. She is so full of life and joy - each day is a new adventure. I have a fire too. But mine burns toward accomplishment, achievement, and getting things done.

Each morning we collide. After she's knocked on her bedroom door yelling "you can come in" for 15 minutes, I go to collect her. I've typically been up for a while and am focused on making breakfast and getting the day started.

This is it. A crucial moment. A decision that carries more weight than it seems. Do I keep plowing ahead and getting things done? Or do I take a few moments to laugh, play, and give my daughter my undivided attention?

We're at our most fresh, engaged, energetic, and focused in the morning. All the productivity experts tell us the same thing. This is the time for your most important work.

For me, some of the most important "work" I'll ever do is spending meaningful time with my daughter. I don't want her to only experience end-of-the-day exhausted dad. She deserves the best of me.

Today, that looked like 10 minutes on the couch reading Calvin and Hobbes. She was enraptured (proud dad moment). Here she is, still reading after I got up to scramble the eggs.

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