Just Ask

Is it possible for two words to change your life? Can two words be the difference between success and failure? Victory and defeat? Between living your dreams or living in regret?


We often wait for permission. Wait for the unseen gatekeepers to deem us worthy of the work we want to do. The ground we want to take. The legacy we want to leave.

Don't wait for an invitation. Just ask.
Don't wander until you feel ready. Just ask.
Don't wonder if you're being too bold. Just ask.

You'll find out if the door's closed. They'll say no.
You'll find out if you need more experience. They'll say no.
You'll find out if that was a little too audacious.

Never self-reject. If you're going to be rejected, let someone else do it. You only have one job. JUST ASK.

Brenton CollyerComment