The Top Eight Ministry Mistakes

If you've led in ministry for more than a day, you've made a few mistakes.

It's okay! Mistakes are good. Mistakes mean you're trying something new. You're stepping out.

But mistakes are also slippery. Many of us fail to see our mistakes until some real damage has been done.

So after 8 years of coaching ministry leaders, here are the top 8 mistakes I've seen over and over. Does one of these sound like you? Counting down from number 8:

8) You're not bringing enough challenge

You encourage and build up your team. You're great at seeing where people have grown or put in extra effort. In the name of "harmony," you avoid conflict and brush things under the rug. Without any challenge, your team becomes entitled and apathetic.

7) You're not bringing enough support

Your comments are critical. You're great at seeing "growth opportunities" and pointing them out. In the name of excellence, you drive your team hard. With little support or encouragement, a culture of fear and manipulation creeps in.

6) You've promoted a performer to a leader

You've got some high performers on your team. But just because someone can perform a job well doesn't mean they can lead others in performing their jobs well. So now you've traded a high-performing individual for a floundering leader because they lack the skill to guide others.

5) You Delegate without Authority

You're good at calling others to carry the load. Great! Unfortunately, you give them a job to do without the authority to own it. Progress bottle-necks with you, and instead of feeling empowered, your team feels frustrated.

4) Your work is draining you

You aren't working overtime, but you're still exhausted. This is because you're spending more time on draining work than energizing work. You're unsure how to strike a balance, so every day ends with you crashing on the couch.

3) You're pretending to be someone you're not

You aren't confident in your natural strengths and abilities, so you act like the leader who came before you. Saying what they would have said, doing what they would have done. It's exhausting.

2) You're not investing in your family

Ministry has consumed every hour, every weekend, every holiday. Your family is getting your leftover time and energy - never enjoying the best of you. As a result, resentment is rising toward the church and even toward God.

1) You're not investing in yourself

You can't give what you don't possess - but that doesn't stop you from trying. You pour into others from an empty cup. Your physical, spiritual, and mental health are declining, and you don't have a plan to make a change. You're holding on for dear life and praying the wheels don't fall off.

If you see yourself making one of these mistakes. Be open, be honest, share it with someone who can help. Someone to encourage you and keep you accountable.

Brenton CollyerComment